Apprehension before giving birth... it's real and normal

Around 38 weeks is when a woman is getting closer to her pending due date to give birth and she may start to think, can I do this how will this baby change my life, our family, can my body do this thing called labour?? And so many other questions may arise. So what I can say is that this is so normal and I see this arising in the Mums to be within the clinic year after year. I still vividly remember my own pre-birth stage, thinking the same things, feeling emotions stirring up and asking myself those questions, it happened with all three of my pregnancies.

So I feel and know from experience that the best thing you can do is talk about it with loved ones or journal your feelings out, slowly dancing the emotion through your body is also helpful. The key here is don’t ignore it or hold that emotion stiffly in your body. Processing this “oh can I do this birth thing”, may actually look different from the worry or fear or apprehension you are feeling it could actually be excitement, joy, overwhelming love or just change, which can seem scary but actually it’s exciting. Knowing what is behind these feelings and getting support will help free you up and allow you to enjoy the last couple of weeks of your pregnancy and fall into labour with ease and feminine power.

I’m so blessed to work with women and hold them in this magical experience of before and during motherhood journey.

It’s what acupuncture and I do, and this fills my heart full every time here at Studio Qi.

Best, Tabitha


Acupuncture for your new Baby

Over the years we have treated our own three babies since they were born. Our first baby boy had reflux and was a bad sleeper due to this, so we used acupuncture points to improve his digestion which calmed the burning, allowing him and myself to get some well needed sleep. I also kept my diet very bland and increased my water intake.

Brad and I have treated dozens of babies over the last 16 years here at Studio Qi with great results.

So what conditions do we treat babies for...

1. Digestive problems is the biggest condition as when your milk starts flowing sometimes their digestion system gets overloaded and it just needs a gentle push back to balance. So colic, constipation and reflux are all treatable by acupuncture.

2. Immune system enhancment, as sometimes with other siblings in the home they can bring home colds and fevers, or going to care early your bub may experience all sorts of infections. These can drag on producing a lingering cough and lung congestion so we can help clear the congestion, drying the mucus production which will alleviate the coughing. Generally these specific treatments will improve their immune system to ward off other germs.

3. A baby that is not sleeping who always feels hot and very fidgety will immensely benefit from a treatment of acupuncture. It takes the extra heat out of their system which allows them to settle and sleep for longer.

4. We also treat babies after their vaccinations which helps reduce fever and other mild side effects. It's such an effective treatment to help them through this experience.

How do we treat your baby...

With lots of love and care.

So with babies we use very thin needles which they do not even feel, the treatment is very short with needles in and out in minutes. Babies are very receptive to acupuncture so they don't need a long treatment, and treatments are usually minimal as they bounce back very quickly.

If you have any questions about your babies health and how we can help, please give us a call here at the clinic for a chat.

Best Tabitha & Brad

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Start weekly acupuncture treatments at 34 - 36 Weeks

Ideally, pregnant women should begin acupuncture from around 34-36 weeks to help prepare them for birth. This treatment approach entails weekly treatments geared toward a relaxed, healthy body and mind that is balanced to create the right conditions to enable labour to occur naturally and without intervention. The best approach is to support the mothers, body and mind to find support and the correct treatment for the most positive outcome for mother and baby – a naturally occurring and effective labour that gives birth to a healthy baby and mum.

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Tips for helping your morning sickness

Tips for helping your morning sickness...

- Doing acupressure on point Ren 17, half way between your belly button and sternum

- Doing acupressure on point Pericardium 6, three fingers down from the crease in your wrist, in between your two tendons

- Drinking ginger tea, snacking on ginger biscuits and adding ginger to your cooking

- Sipping on water

- Eating regularly and before you get out of bed

- Having plenty of rest

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Letting go helps you fall into labour.

It's often the case when an expectant Mum is wanting to fall into labour that a good dose of "letting go" will help her relax enough to naturally start the birthing process.  

This could be a bath, a meditation of "just being" a massage or some acupuncture.  These things switch off the tension and excitement so that the body and baby can do their thing. 

It sounds simple but it's so worth a try. 

Best, Tabitha 

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How to switch Oxytocin on.

So your 40 weeks and it's time to get this baby moving but there are no real signs of this happening yet.

Well, never fear Oxytocin has been happily releasing into your body since 32 weeks to 36 weeks from the help of your uterus. At 40 weeks your Oxytocin receptors are at their peak and will start those contractions going naturally, you need to do nothing really because your amazing body has got it covered.

Oxytocin is called the LOVE hormone and you can't over dose on it, in labour your body can't get over sensitized to it so its got you all the way so to speak.

But some natural ways to help your body bring it on a little stronger is to sit with good friends and family, laughing, talking and hugging, touch is so important and feeling safe in your environment is a must to keep it flowing.

Fear will slow or even turn this hormone off so that's why its so important to have the people and environment the way you want it when giving birth.

Of course Acupuncture is also a mighty fine tool to use to bring that hormone flowing into your veins.

Best, Tabitha


Team Work Matters

We have put this online course together because we know how powerful it is to work as a team in labour. 

Having acupressure points in your tool box for the birth of your baby counts.  These acupressure points are totally accessible for the birthing woman to apply to help with her pain management, then her birthing partner can also use other pressure points for a stronger compounding effect. 

Giving you the support for the birth you're both dreaming of. 

Best, Tabitha

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Headaches & Migraines during Pregnancy

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If you are suffering with headaches or migraines while you're pregnant then acupuncture is for you, as generally you want to avoid putting strong medications into your body, if possible.  A lot of the time your headaches/migraines can be caused by surges in hormones, acupuncture is brilliant at regulating and balancing your internal organs, especially your liver. Your liver does a lot of filtering and breaking down of your hormones and when this gets overwhelmed headaches can appear. So we soothe and spread the Liver Qi, helping its normal function to regulate and strengthen.

Stress is often a big factor of headaches and for some, being pregnant can be a stressful and anxious time. We all have our worries and if you suffer from stress and anxiety before you get pregnant then being pregnant can cause more emotions to arise. Getting support to ease and balance this is what acupuncture can do. 

Usually your neck and shoulders will play a big part in your headaches. Muscles over time can get very tight and thus restrict the oxygen and blood flow to these areas and your brain. Of course your brain will be fine but your headaches may be a sign that dehydration is occurring, causing your muscles to become very tight and impede blood flow.

If you are dehydrated you can become constipated and this will cause headaches as well. Adding bananas or a good green smoothie to your day will aid your bowel to move. A teaspoon of Psyllium powder to water is also a healthy fibre supplement you can take to move things along.


Sipping water - start early in your day and aim to consume one litre by 2pm. Sipping helps with less running to the toilet and aids in hydrating your body. This will help with less toilet stops at night time too.

If constipated, see above for safe tips to improve bowel movements.

Simple neck and shoulder stretches when you awake, as simple as chin to chest and gently tipping your head backwards followed by gentle head to shoulder stretches on both sides. Slowly is the key, with nice deep breathing. A few reps of these will loosen the shoulders and neck and get blood and oxygen into those stiff muscles before you get into your day.  

Alleviating and dealing with stress can be as simple as getting some valuable time to yourself, gentle exercise and having a creative outlet can do wonders. If this stress and anxiety is deeply troubling you then a great counselor can help you sort out where it’s coming from. 

How does acupuncture work?

While acupuncture does work superficially increasing blood and oxygen to the muscles, it also works internally with your organs creating free flow with your liver. This means that it is improving and regulating the hormone system. It will improve bowel movements and relax your tight neck and shoulders, taking away toxins and lactic acid to improve better muscle function. If stress is present then the acupuncture can bring the body back to balance by dissolving these feelings and relaxing tight muscles as it stimulates endorphins and lowers cortisol levels. You will notice an improvement in your night’s sleep and general energy levels as you become calmer and headache free. During the treatment you will feel the stress fade away with an inner clarity and a deep relaxed state that floods over you ensuring that you can carry on. As you can see headaches from a Chinese Medicine approach can arise from many reasons, but whatever the reason acupuncture can help. 

Best, Tabitha

Moxa after childbirth

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So you have had your baby and you're at home and in the routine of motherhood.

How exciting!!

So here is a beautiful, energising treat to get your partner to do: running Moxa above your skin from your belly button down to your pubis bone. Do this after a week has passed after the birth of your bub. If it's more than a week that's fine it's actually a great thing to do for your energy at any time you are feeling tired or stressed. Plus you can do it in your own home.

What to do: light the moxa up over a candle or a gas stove top, lay down so your comfy and get your beloved or best friend to gently move the moxa up and down the line running under your belly button to your pubis bone or underwear line for 5 to 10 minutes. This will feel divine and it helps lift and nurture your energy by building qi and blood plus gently warming your uterus. If you have a caesarean scar go over that as well, it's so good for the healing of tissues and muscles. Remember this when you are tired or emotional it really soothes you especially if someone else does this for you.

Remember the moxa will burn if it touches the skin so keep it about an inch away from the skin at all times.

Where to buy Moxa: All good acupuncturists will stock moxa so you can buy it from them.

Best, Tabitha

Pregnant with Morning Sickness

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So if you have morning sickness, or afternoon sickness, or all day sickness, then this is the article for you. No pregnant woman has to put up with what we label as morning sickness, acupuncture is here. This may have started as soon as you realised you were pregnant, or if you're a very lucky lady, you will not experience it at all.

I explain it to partners and husbands that it's like having a hangover that never gets better. Truly horrible, don't you think? You feel nauseous in varying degrees, and may even vomit, with certain times of the day being worse. This decreases your energy and mentally plays havoc on your happiness, so resting is essential. Sometimes ladies who are just doing too much physically and mentally are more prone, so please be gentle on yourself as it is a time when less is more.

So what does acupuncture do? Well acupuncture harmonises your stomach qi (chi), it moves the blockages and stagnation to free flow the qi which moves the stomach and brings it back on line to digest and absorb your food. Hence taking away your sickness. This isn't a one off treatment, but in saying that sometimes it is, usually we do twice a week for three weeks and in this time your body will work its way back to balance. Every time we treat you we unblock the stuck qi and move your digestion back to a working state. Sometimes if the morning sickness is extreme you will need regular maintenance treatments, we will also be looking for any other disharmonies and treating them as they arise. You will feel your energy coming back to you as the sickness fades away.

My tips...

Resting when you can is a big one, simple I know, but not one that is easy for most of us. Follow your body and what food works and what doesn't, eat in small regular amounts. Sometimes eating something small before you get out of bed in the morning, like a ginger cracker, can help calm the tummy. And instead of reaching for carbohydrates bake up some roast potato and add some good Celtic salt for a simple healthy snack. Adding ginger to your cooking or fresh ginger to your water bottle, and drinking ginger tea is good for moving the stomach qi and quelling nausea. As soon as your start to feel slightly sick go to an Acupuncturist who specialises in pregnancy conditions. Don't wait hoping it will get better, the sooner you get treatment the quicker it will decrease.

Chinese Diet Therapy...

Foods that are hot in spice or heat such as coffee (caffeine) or refined sugars and alcohol are a no go. These will heat up your stomach and make your body more acidic resulting in an increase in nausea. Warming foods like broths, soups, stews and congee, in small portions are a great source of nutrition that is easily digested and takes pressure off your stomach (click here to see our broth recipe). Most importantly don't become dehydrated, daily small regular sips of water are a must, especially if you have been vomiting. Sucking on ice cubes is another way to slowly absorb water.


The Gold Coast has so much to offer. Gentle yoga and a slow walk can lift your spirits but if sitting on the couch with your feet up or lying in bed all day feels better, then go with that. Like I said, your body knows best and pushing it to do more will only leave you in a worse state.

Usually this state will pass by the beginning of the second trimester (12 weeks), but everyone is different, so with support from acupuncture you will be feeling better in no time.

Best, Tabitha

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