Around 38 weeks is when a woman is getting closer to her pending due date to give birth and she may start to think, can I do this how will this baby change my life, our family, can my body do this thing called labour?? And so many other questions may arise. So what I can say is that this is so normal and I see this arising in the Mums to be within the clinic year after year. I still vividly remember my own pre-birth stage, thinking the same things, feeling emotions stirring up and asking myself those questions, it happened with all three of my pregnancies.
So I feel and know from experience that the best thing you can do is talk about it with loved ones or journal your feelings out, slowly dancing the emotion through your body is also helpful. The key here is don’t ignore it or hold that emotion stiffly in your body. Processing this “oh can I do this birth thing”, may actually look different from the worry or fear or apprehension you are feeling it could actually be excitement, joy, overwhelming love or just change, which can seem scary but actually it’s exciting. Knowing what is behind these feelings and getting support will help free you up and allow you to enjoy the last couple of weeks of your pregnancy and fall into labour with ease and feminine power.
I’m so blessed to work with women and hold them in this magical experience of before and during motherhood journey.
It’s what acupuncture and I do, and this fills my heart full every time here at Studio Qi.
Best, Tabitha