
Tips for helping your morning sickness

Tips for helping your morning sickness...

- Doing acupressure on point Ren 17, half way between your belly button and sternum

- Doing acupressure on point Pericardium 6, three fingers down from the crease in your wrist, in between your two tendons

- Drinking ginger tea, snacking on ginger biscuits and adding ginger to your cooking

- Sipping on water

- Eating regularly and before you get out of bed

- Having plenty of rest

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Letting go helps you fall into labour.

It's often the case when an expectant Mum is wanting to fall into labour that a good dose of "letting go" will help her relax enough to naturally start the birthing process.  

This could be a bath, a meditation of "just being" a massage or some acupuncture.  These things switch off the tension and excitement so that the body and baby can do their thing. 

It sounds simple but it's so worth a try. 

Best, Tabitha 

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