Pregnant with Morning Sickness

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So if you have morning sickness, or afternoon sickness, or all day sickness, then this is the article for you. No pregnant woman has to put up with what we label as morning sickness, acupuncture is here. This may have started as soon as you realised you were pregnant, or if you're a very lucky lady, you will not experience it at all.

I explain it to partners and husbands that it's like having a hangover that never gets better. Truly horrible, don't you think? You feel nauseous in varying degrees, and may even vomit, with certain times of the day being worse. This decreases your energy and mentally plays havoc on your happiness, so resting is essential. Sometimes ladies who are just doing too much physically and mentally are more prone, so please be gentle on yourself as it is a time when less is more.

So what does acupuncture do? Well acupuncture harmonises your stomach qi (chi), it moves the blockages and stagnation to free flow the qi which moves the stomach and brings it back on line to digest and absorb your food. Hence taking away your sickness. This isn't a one off treatment, but in saying that sometimes it is, usually we do twice a week for three weeks and in this time your body will work its way back to balance. Every time we treat you we unblock the stuck qi and move your digestion back to a working state. Sometimes if the morning sickness is extreme you will need regular maintenance treatments, we will also be looking for any other disharmonies and treating them as they arise. You will feel your energy coming back to you as the sickness fades away.

My tips...

Resting when you can is a big one, simple I know, but not one that is easy for most of us. Follow your body and what food works and what doesn't, eat in small regular amounts. Sometimes eating something small before you get out of bed in the morning, like a ginger cracker, can help calm the tummy. And instead of reaching for carbohydrates bake up some roast potato and add some good Celtic salt for a simple healthy snack. Adding ginger to your cooking or fresh ginger to your water bottle, and drinking ginger tea is good for moving the stomach qi and quelling nausea. As soon as your start to feel slightly sick go to an Acupuncturist who specialises in pregnancy conditions. Don't wait hoping it will get better, the sooner you get treatment the quicker it will decrease.

Chinese Diet Therapy...

Foods that are hot in spice or heat such as coffee (caffeine) or refined sugars and alcohol are a no go. These will heat up your stomach and make your body more acidic resulting in an increase in nausea. Warming foods like broths, soups, stews and congee, in small portions are a great source of nutrition that is easily digested and takes pressure off your stomach (click here to see our broth recipe). Most importantly don't become dehydrated, daily small regular sips of water are a must, especially if you have been vomiting. Sucking on ice cubes is another way to slowly absorb water.


The Gold Coast has so much to offer. Gentle yoga and a slow walk can lift your spirits but if sitting on the couch with your feet up or lying in bed all day feels better, then go with that. Like I said, your body knows best and pushing it to do more will only leave you in a worse state.

Usually this state will pass by the beginning of the second trimester (12 weeks), but everyone is different, so with support from acupuncture you will be feeling better in no time.

Best, Tabitha

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